Thursday, May 1, 2008

Problems are balm of life.

People always complain about the problems that they face in life, including me. Problems are everywhere and we definitely cannot run away from them. What's wrong with having problems in life? The only people who have no problems are the dead people in the cemeteries (Ben,2008)! As we think about this matter deeply, we can see that problems are actually a part of life. So, we should be glad that we have problems to be solved as they make us the person we are now. It means that we are alive. The more problems we face in life, the more alive we are. If there is no single problem to be solved, life would not be as interesting as we wish it to be.

I know that problems make life more difficult and stressful. That's why each one of us is gifted with a brain to think. Thinking is the best method to solve problems that we face in life. Through thinking, we can find better ways for our lives. The most important thing that we need to do when we face problems is to S.M.I.L.E. It makes us feel even better. Last but not least, be grateful of what God has given to us. Therefore, THINK, THANK and SMILE to improve our lives in this world. PEACE!

"Be the best of whatever we are."

**Good luck 2 all 4 our mock exam, God bless!"**

1 comment:

Hafiz -Webmaster- =P said...

Wau, s0 well written by a well-known writer. :) Thanks 4 contributing something and yeah, I only thought lips only have balms, but then, life also have balms.. :P