Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Support please

Please!!! Give us some support. Instead of going into http://friendster.com/ all the time why don't you all try to visit this blog and give some comments. It is so so frustrating that even after all the posts, the only comments are mostly by the webmaster (Hafiz). Imagine you in my shoes. If i could, i would have slapped each and every one of you right now. No support and no enthusiasm. What will it be like, going to UK like this. I can't even imagine staying with you all for 6 years. Oh, my mistake. Anothe 5 and a half years. First the lack of discipline. Then the lack of maturity. Now the lack of enthusiasm.


d@v!d t3h said...

wow..well..i made a head start..haha..1st post for blogspot

Dhuha said...

fong...we do visit this blog sometimes..
it's just that we dunno what to write or share with others..
don't worry..
we are not that bad that we dont want to support u guys ok???
keep up your good work (=